The Ready Set Go! Back to School, Inc. Committee (RSGBTS) is a non-profit organization which provides a Back to School Expo to the community and gives away School Supplies to youth in Savannah and the surrounding areas. During the past 9 years, the RSGBTS gave away 54,290 pencils, 39,904 pens,45,000 spiral notebooks, 18,116 boxes of colored crayons, 20,000 boxes of markers, 156,329 packs of filler paper, 10,345 rulers, 1500 book bags, and more to students and teachers in the Chatham, Bryan and Effingham County area schools.
The RSGBTS Committee learned that the free supplies were important to 100% of the teachers. The teachers from various schools stated that with the proper supplies students’ interest in learning improved 100%, class participation improved 99% and student preparedness improved 100%. Each year we sponsor a “Re-pack the Bag” by giving away additional school supplies in January to schools in need and teachers report that the children’s access to free supplies was critically important to their personal budget.

When families struggle financially, school supplies just aren’t a priority. The RSGBTS, needs your help. Only through your generous donations were we able to distribute over $245,000 retail value of supplies during the last 9 years impacting a child’s self-esteem, class room behavior and positive learning attitudes. A donation of $3,000 will help 120 children have standard supplies to include: 2 folders, 2 notebooks, pair of scissors, 2 glue sticks, 2 pens, 4 pencils, crayons, pack of filler paper, a ruler, erasers and composition book.
In 2018, the RSGBTS, Inc., celebrated 10 years of success and with the help of Ford Motor Company, we gave away 500 bookbags along with essential school supplies. In 2019, there are still more than 54% of our children attending school the first week without paper, pencils, book bags or uniforms. With your help, you can make a substantial difference by donating school supplies or contribute financially. Providing support to students throughout the year has expanded our mission.
We give school supplies to nonprofit organizations, teachers, and more students in January with our Re-pack the Bag. Help us reach our financial goal of $20,000 in Sponsorship by selecting one of the five (5) sponsorship levels. Specific sponsorship information is attached. We work diligently to make sure every child in need receives the necessary supplies.
During the Expo, parents appreciate the valuable information regarding health, nutrition, safety, after school programs, health screenings and children receiving haircuts and polished nails. It is the objective of RSGBTS to provide 10-12 school items needed for each child that attends the event. The goal is to create 5,500 bags of school supplies for this year’s event.